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문화콘텐츠 아시아 No.1 동서대학교


인도 유학생 코리안 드림 이뤄

조회 5,212

관리자 2010-02-16 00:00

유비쿼터스 IT학과 박사학위에 국가수리과학연구소 취업

2월 18일 동서대에서 박사학위를 받는 인도 유학생이 코리안 드림을 이루었다.

주인공인 다난지아 싱은 디자인&IT전문대학원 유비쿼터스 IT학과에서 3년간의 과정을 마치고 2월 18일 영광의 박사학위모를 쓰게 됐다.

학위논문은 ‘IP-Based Wireless Sensor Network for Global Healthcare Monitoring Applications’.

다난지아 싱은 인도 명문인 IIIT대학에서 석사학위를 받고 2007년 3월 동서대 박사과정에 입학했다. 그 동안 SCI급 논문과 국제학술대회 논문 등 총 25편의 논문을 발표했고 특허 5건을 출원했다.

국내외에서 연구능력을 높이 평가받고 있는 다난지아 싱은 대덕연구단지 국가수리과학연구소에 취업이 돼 3월 2일부터 연구원으로 근무한다.


다난지아 싱 박사 소감문


First of all, I appreciate Prof. Hoon-Jae Lee gave me a chance to study my Doctoral education in the Dept. of Ubiquitous IT, Dongseo University. I have been worked about 3 years in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks laboratory with Korean and other foreigner members under his guidance and realized many things that I didnt feel in India like cooperation research, seminar, working system and so on.


The variety of applications has lead to cooperation not only with other laboratories within the university, but also other research laboratory in Korea and global scale such as Oulu Univ. Finland, IIIT-A, India. I think this kind of system is very beneficial for research student. As an Indian, I realized many differences of education system and culture and now these experiences make me to follow my passion towards research as I got offer from National Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Korea as Postdoc researcher.   


For this success, I would like to thank Prof. Hoon-Jae Lee about his inspiration and motivation regarding my research work. I get to learn lot things from him. He was always kind and caring about me. Also, I would like to thanks the member of USN and CNSL lab and specially Miss Yun for her supporting and helping me during my difficult moments. It was really great time with them. I wish Generosity, so you all may share all good things that come to you! I wish you to get the best of everything! Everything that you so well deserve!


During my staying in Dongseo University, I have faced many challenges, balancing work and I have willingly given my time in university and now my goal has been changed to a challenging person in every field. I want to enjoy my life working my meaningful job.


And I know that when my goals are realized, I will be able to provide influence power to society and communities. This is the purpose of my life.

Dr. Dhananjay Singh, India

Dongseo University, Busan, Korea


