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기숙사 International Students Payment of Dormitory fees for Fall Semester, 2019

조회 1,165

김우진 2019-09-04 00:00

담당자 연락처 051-320-1699

International Students Payment of Dormitory fees for Fall Semester, 2019

(Only for Students Attending School)

Please read the following information and refer to the payment of dormitory fees.

Then complete your dormitory application within the set time period.

(Freshmen are eligible for payment from the middle of September)

Dormitory Payment Period : Sept 4th 9am ~ Sept 10th 5pm

Online Application


Checking Application Results and Printing the Form for Dormitory fees

① Check the result of the dormitory application as shown below Click

“결과/고지서(Result & Invoice)” at the left menu →Enter student number at blank 2 → Click the icon “조회” 


② After checking the result for dormitory PASS/FAIL and room number, print the form for dormitory fees and make the payment listed.Check the dormitory building and room number at section 1 → Check the result of PASS or FAIL at section 2 →

 Click “기숙사비 고지서 출력(Printout dormitory fee form)” to print.

Dormitory Fee Invoice


  1. 1. Dormitory payment is available only at 9am to 5pm on those assigned dates.

2. You must pay the fee with your own name during the deadline period.

3. If you don't pay before the deadline, then you may not be able to stay

   in the dormitory. 

  1. 4. Virtual account

Each student is assigned a different virtual account number. You must pay exactly the correct amount to that number. A slight difference in the amount will not be tolerated and payment cannot be confirmed.

After you print the invoice check your account number thats printed on the invoice. You can complete the payment at International House 2 4th floor, Nonghyup Bank.

(Please do the payment after checking the account number)


If you have any questions, please contact the number below.

Office of Student Dormitory : 051-320-2984