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[Dongseo university] Department Festivals Commemorate 30th Anniversary

조회 389

2022-09-03 18:00

Department Festivals Commemorate 30th Anniversary
On Saturday 3 September, 2022, the Department of ICT Convergence Engineering, in conjunction with the DSU Future Career College, held a departmental academic festival in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of DSU.
An exhibition was held as part of the festival in which a total of 86 works produced by students in the department were presented, consisting of both those arising through inclass activities and through individual efforts. The most was made of the opportunity to invite family, friends, and acquaintances of students as well as local residents to both introduce and examine the exhibited works, as well as to publicize and promote the achievements and activities of the Department of ICT Convergence Engineering, which fosters customized talents in this era of the 4th industrial revolution.
Among many other departments also commemorating the anniversary with various activities was the Senior Exercise Prescription Department, which, under the theme of “Measuring Health and Fitness for Realization of Social Values,” conducted volunteer work with participating local residents, providing for them systematic health management, body composition tests, gait tests, and body shape tests with the aim of promoting public health.
In addition, the Department of Social Welfare held major academic workshops at the main campus and in Songjeong. The occasion was a valuable opportunity to strengthen the solidarity of each department, as well as to contribute to the promotion of the DSU Future Career College